We found 4 items for you!
Land Drainge Cap
Land drainage caps to blank off an end of pipe
Land Drainage Coupler
Land drainage couplers are ideal for joining 2 lengths of land drain together.
60mm Land Drainage Pipe Connector STOCK CODE: LDRAINCOUP060 |
80mm Land Drainage Pipe Connector STOCK CODE: LDRAINCOUP080 |
100mm Land Drainage Pipe Connector STOCK CODE: LDRAINCOUP100 |
160mm Land Drainage Pipe Connector STOCK CODE: LDRAINCOUP160 |
Land Drainage Maxibranch
Land drainage maxibranch Y-junction allows joining of 60/80/100 or a 160mm pipe into a 160mm pipe run. The Y-shaped branch has a 67.5° angle means they are generally installed in a 'direction-of-flow' merging 2 drainage pipe into 1.
160mm x 100/80/60mm 67.5° Maxibranch Land Drainage Y Junction STOCK CODE: LDRAINMAXI160 |
Land Drainage Multi-Junction
Land drainage multi-junction Y-junction allow joining of 60/80 or 100mm pipes into a 60/80 or 100mm pipe run. The Y-shaped branch has a 67.5° angle means they are generally installed in a 'direction-of-flow' merging 2 drainage pipe into 1.
100/80/60mm 67.5° Multi Junction Land Drainage Y Junction STOCK CODE: LDRAINMULTI100 |
We found 4 items for you!