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Naan Modular Lead

Naan Modular leads are used for connecting from the LDPE irrigation lateral to the sprinkler head. For use with Naan Bases, Naan Leads, Naan Spikes and Naan nozzles.

Naan Modular Nozzle

Naan Modular nozzles are used to make up different micro sprayheads

Naan Modular Spike

Naan Modular spikes are 1 several different parts used in their mini-sprays and rotors series. With all the parts available you can have ground based sprays; using these spikes or overhead sprays for poly tunnels using other items.

The range includes 3 options for the heads of sprays, misters and rotors all of these are ideal for watering border areas or poly tunnels.

Naan Modular Spike


Naan Modular Spreader

Naan Modular spreaders are used to make up different micro sprayheads

Naan Modular Sprayer

Naan Modular sprays are used to make up different micro sprayheads

Naan Half Circle Sprayer Red c/w Grey Nozzle 2.7m Ø 70 l/h


Naan Modular Swivel Sprinkler

Naan Modular swivel spray are used to make up different micro sprayheads

We found 6 items for you!