It's all about WiFi !

Perhaps the biggest shift in the landscape irrigation market in recent years is the rise of WiFi enabled controllers. Our daily obsession with all things App based is now having a big impact on all types of irrigation system and a huge proportion of domestic and commercial users are looking for feature rich controllers that not only offer a more user friendly interface but also offer huge functionality and water saving features.
A quick global internet search results in a huge selection of options and luckily for uses in the UK the two leading brands with the strongest offering (Rain Bird and Hunter Hydrawise) are available through LWS and backed up by our extensive technical support. Key features include the ability to remote access your irrigation controller via your smart device from anywhere in the world, to link it to a weather service for automatic adjustment of your schedule plus a host of diagnostic options including flow monitoring so you can see how much water has been applied to each zone. They can even send you an email to alert you of a high flow (leak ?) or low flow (water supply problem ?) event so you can arrange a service call before it becomes a major headache.
From the professional contractors point of view they offer huge time saving benefits right from commissioning all the way through to servicing and maintenance and allow you to remote monitor systems that are covered by your service contracts.
This level of functionality is fast becoming the norm and surprisingly despite the whistles and bells that these controllers offer they do not command big price tags. Call the LWS team to discuss your options or visit for more information on the complete range.